So, Magic Origins.
The midnight Prerelease I chose Green. I wanted in on some of that sweet elf action, however in the end I only got a shitty mana dork. I was disappoint but I had no time to sulk, I had a deck to build!
I built a low curved Green Red deck, with three Boggart Brutes and a Scab-Clan Berzerker, which stubbornly would not make an appearance. Unfortunately I didn't think to take a picture of my deck prior to packing it in, but it certanly wasn't my best moment, with a 1-3 showing for the midnight madness session.
My thoughts - Renown is very powerful and really speeds up the game. Forget a card has Renown at your peril. I was very impressed with the showing of White, in particular Consul's Lieutenant and Topan Freeblade, which cemented it for me.. I was going white in flight 2
Flight 2 was actually at 3.30pm on the Saturday, as we had friends who were driving in for the occasion who had never been to prerelease before. Also, my FLGS was running a nifty promotion whereby you got a free Magic Origins booster for you and a friend if you brought a friend who hadn't been to the M15 or any of the Tarkir Block prerelease events, which was pretty cool.
I got some great pulls, in all different directions as it turned out - Kytheon, Dwynen and Alhammaret . I ended up building a white/black build, which took me 1-2, and my final opponent decided to drop without telling anyone.
I was really happy to get Dwynen, as I really wanted to get her in my EDH deck, and in Foil made it that much better.